Jackie Anderson The one and only Ghostrider

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This is the personal home page of:
Jackie Anderson (The Ghostrider)

Jackie Anderson
The Ghost Rider

Jackie Anderson is an independent professional wrestler. He has been in the sport for over 25 years. He was worked with and against names such as, Brian Lee, Tony Anthony (the Dirty White Boy), Rick Morton, Buddy Landell, and Tom Prichard.
As anyone who has ever seen Jackie Anderson in person or any promoter who has booked him for shows will tell you, he is a powerful wrestler and a crowd pleaser.

If you are a Jackie Anderson fan, and you have any photos of Jackie that you would like to share and have them published on this website, send them to me at my email address along with your name.
Jackie Anderson

His name is: Jackie Anderson (The Ghostrider)
He has one fist of iron and the other is of steel,
If the right one doesn't get you, then the left one will.

Email Jackie Anderson.

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